Here are found links to various things most of which have something to do with me. If for some reason you want a bit of my biographical information, you'll find it here.
Many people have produced online, or electronic, mathematics textbooks and made them more or less freely available via the world wide web. This is a wonderful practice that should be encouraged. You can see a list of those of which I am aware. Please tell me about others.
There are several lists of online mathematics books available. The American Mathematical Society maintains a Books Online page, where there are links to all kinds of mathematics books and lists of mathematical books.
As you can tell from the list of my publications, topology has been my favorite area of research. I have even written a topology textbook.
A nice site for topological information is the Topology Atlas.
Many of my colleague Gunter Meyer's good ideas about separation of variables are in our differential equations book.
A case of plagiarism.
Science is the only way of knowing-- everything else is just superstition. - - Robert Park
The contents of this page reflect solely the opinions of the
author who originated
It has not been reviewed by, nor is it a publication of the
Georgia Institute of Technology.
March 26, 2014